Psychometric Success – Management Selection
Critical Reasoning Test 2: 8 Questions
Instructions: Answer as many questions as you can in 20 minutes. Circle the letter on the right which corresponds to the correct answer.
- Ian paid more for his car than did Simon.
Simon paid less for his car than did Hubert.
Peter paid more for his car than did Sarah.
Sarah paid the same amount for her car as did Hubert.
If the above information is true, which of the following must also be true?
A Ian paid more for his car than did Peter.
B Sarah paid less for her car than did Simon.
C Simon paid less for his car than did Peter.
D Ian paid more for his car than did Hubert.
E Sarah paid less for her car than did Ian.
Resim, bir yönetim seçimi için yapılan “Psikometrik Başarı” testi kitapçığının bir sayfasını göstermektedir. Görselde, eleştirel düşünme testinin bir sorusu ve seçenekleri yer almaktadır. Bu soru, bir dizi otomobil ödemesi ile ilgili karşılaştırmalı durumları içeren ve hangi ifadenin verilen bilgilere dayanarak mutlaka doğru olması gerektiğini belirlemeyi amaçlayan bir mantık problemidir.