Questions and Answers... Permanent maxillary first premolars have ______ roots

Questions and Answers

At the beginning I’ll show you the rules of the test: Cheating is prohibited; whoever is caught cheating will go to the deans and rectors and will not be able to enter the exam even in September. The test will be by rounding and filling in the blanks in the questions. You will fill in the test first with a graphite pencil so that you want to change something erase it and please don’t scribble too much on the test.

  1. Permanent maxillary first premolars have ______ roots.
    A. Three
    B. Four
    C. Two
    D. One

  2. Permanent maxillary second premolars have ______ roots.
    E. Three
    F. Four
    G. Two
    H. One

  3. There are ______ teeth in quadrant of the primary dentition.
    A. 5
    B. 10
    C. 20
    D. 8

  4. There are ______ teeth in quadrant of the permanent dentition.
    E. 5
    F. 10
    G. 20
    H. 8

  5. How many canines are in a quadrant of the permanent dentition?
    A. 1
    B. 2
    C. 4
    D. 8

Soruları ve doğru cevapları şöyle:

  1. Kalıcı maksiller (üst çene) ilk premolar dişler genellikle kaç kök sahiptir?

    • C. İki
  2. Kalıcı maksiller (üst çene) ikinci premolar dişler genellikle kaç kök sahiptir?

    • G. İki
  3. Birincil (süt) dentisyonundaki bir çeyrekteki diş sayısı nedir?

    • B. 10
  4. Kalıcı dentisyonda bir çeyrekteki diş sayısı nedir?

    • F. 10
  5. Kalıcı dentisyonun bir çeyreğinde kaç adet köpek dişi bulunur?

    • B. 1

Eğer diş hekimliği öğrencisiyseniz, bu bilgiler dişlerin özellikleri ve dentisyon konularındaki kavramsal temelinizi güçlendirecektir. Sorularınız varsa, yardımcı olmaktan memnuniyet duyarım.

Questions and Answers Detailed Explanation

Permanent Maxillary First Premolars

The correct answer is C. Two.

Permanent maxillary first premolars typically have two roots. This is a unique feature as most other teeth in the dental arch tend to have a single root. These two roots are called the buccal and the palatal roots, with the buccal root being the larger of the two. This dual-root system allows for better stability and support for the tooth in performing its functions, which include tearing and crushing food.

Permanent Maxillary Second Premolars

The correct answer is G. Two.

Similar to the first premolars, permanent maxillary second premolars usually have two roots, although it is more common for them to have a single root compared to the first premolars. When two roots are present, they are also divided into buccal and palatal roots. The variation in root number can sometimes make dental procedures more complex, but typically, second premolars have a simpler root structure than the first premolars.

Teeth in a Quadrant of the Primary Dentition

The correct answer is A. 5.

In the primary (or deciduous) dentition, each quadrant contains five teeth. These are two incisors, one canine, and two molars. Primary dentition altogether consists of 20 teeth, divided equally among the four quadrants of the mouth. The primary dentition serves important roles in speech development, nutrition, and the maintenance of space for the eventual eruption of permanent teeth.

Teeth in a Quadrant of the Permanent Dentition

The correct answer is H. 8.

Each quadrant of the permanent dentition contains eight teeth. These include two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars, the third being the wisdom tooth. In total, the permanent dentition consists of 32 teeth, assuming no teeth are missing and all wisdom teeth are present. The addition of premolars and an extra molar in comparison to the primary dentition allows for a more efficient processing of food, an important factor in overall health and nutrition.

Canines in a Quadrant of the Permanent Dentition

The correct answer is A. 1.

In each quadrant of the permanent dentition, there is only one canine. Canines play a pivotal role in the dentition due to their pointed shape and robust structure, making them ideal for tearing food. There are a total of four canines in the mouth, one in each quadrant, situated at the “corner” of the dental arch, flanked by incisors on one side and premolars on the other.


Quadrant: Ağzın, hem üst hem de alt çenenin orta hattından itibaren dört eşit parçaya bölünmesiyle oluşturulan her bir bölüm.
Primary (Deciduous) Dentition: İlk dişlerin seti, genellikle çocukluk döneminde bulunur ve sonrasında kalıcı dişlerle yer değiştirir.
Permanent Dentition: Kalıcı dişlerin seti, ilk dişler düştükten sonra ortaya çıkar ve genellikle yetişkinlik ömrü boyunca kalır.

Answers to the Dental Anatomy Test Questions:

1. Permanent maxillary first premolars have:

  • C. Two roots

2. Permanent maxillary second premolars have:

  • F. Four roots

3. There are:

  • D. 8 teeth in a quadrant of the primary dentition.

4. There are:

  • E. 5 teeth in a quadrant of the permanent dentition.

5. How many canines are in a quadrant of the permanent dentition?

  • A. 1